Monday, September 6, 2010

Réponse à la foi de "l'hipster"

I just finished reading an interesting article that I think has some relevance in each of our lives, because it speaks about the current generation, and the phenomenon labeled "Hipster Faith" by this Christianity Today author -- Brett McCracken (and perhaps others) -- and it bears many resemblances to my two communities of Exodus and Mountainside Communion. I encourage you to pass this on to whomever you think would find it interesting, and also to write back any reactions or reflections you may have.

I have seen this only in recent years, being warned by my youth pastor several years ago of what he then called the "emergent church", and so now I am becoming aware of the greater relevance of understanding this movement, and its validities and dangers to the Christian faith (as with any movement of Christianity, including the seeming lack of movement found in the church to which this rebels). Finally, I saw even more relevance due to the reading of the Crucified God and the discussions thereof.

Please follow the link on the title of the article/phenomenon above. I look forward to each of your thoughts on this.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Le pré

He knew it would happen, but he needed to step out. The wind howled and whistled just past his place of momentary shelter, beckoning him to a challenge. What he sought was out there somewhere, and crouching behind this petrified tree would not accomplish his mission.

As he stepped out from his shelter, as he felt the wind rush against him, he realized that its ferociousness was a feint, a trick of the many trees and rocks through which this wind meandered on the outskirts of the meadow. He looked out over the grass that stood between one and two meters from the ground. He had hunted many times here, but never for something so dangerous. Never for something about which he knew nothing except for what it left behind from its prey.

A slight change in the wind was barely enough to warn him. The large black object dropped to the ground several meters away, wings draped at the ready, a shimmer reflecting the moon's faint light. Before his eyes could even begin to make out who or what this was, his bow was taut with an arrow pointed straight where the heart may be. The blade was raised in a defensive position in front of the target, and a voice called out, "Peace. Lower your weapon."

He knew the voice, and obeyed without question. His friend sheathed the blade and walked cautiously, wary of other dangers in the night. "I was told that there were shadows skulking about in this field. What brings you out on a night when no deer or boar would dare to join you?"

"Have you heard the rumors."

"I have heard some. What merit do they have?" He noticed a shift in the other's stance and a tightening grip on bow and arrow.

"It is not merit of rumors that brings us here; its skulls, hooves, and other remains. The peasants are frightened. There is something new in these parts; something vicious and hungry. No one has caught a glimpse yet, but whatever it may be, it rarely leaves without some token of its action. Animals are disappearing from the flocks, but left behind are evidences of the kill. We do not know what beast this is, but it almost seems to want to be found or sought after. Few of the disappearing animals have vanished entirely."

"A very different beast than we have seen in the mountain fields." He shifted his eyes across the tall grass, straining to notice movement that was not caused by the constant wind.

"A very different beast than we have seen in the valley. Thus is our reason for such a hunt. I have seven other hunters searching the field with me. We must find this thing. Do you have friends?"

"Three scouts wait upon the cliffs for any trouble. Would you like some help?"

"You can see well in the dark, correct?" He smiled thinly towards his old friend.

"Almost as well as you Elves." Although the moon's light was faint, his thin returned smile was clear.

A thunderous burst of sound echoed through the field. The ground shook and eardrums were put to the test. The Elven hunter heard the subtle tightening of seven bows in different parts of the field. His winged friend tensed, ready to catch flight if necessary.

The sound roared across the field once more, sending a jolt through the nerves. Whatever was coming, it was big. Very big. A loud rustling sound combined with a slightly softer constant thunder, and the sounds began to move from the far edge of the field towards where the Elf stood. Who will be the prey now? he said quietly to himself. He heard a similar breath from his friend.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Une retraite courte et bonne? ...

Un weekend court ... c'était bien mais inachevé. Fallait-il achever une retraite après deux jours? Je pense que non et je rêve d'aller en retraite qui durait une ou deux semaines. Je ne suis pas sûre si l'on peut simplement l'appeler une retraite à cette pointe mais ...

C'est comme s' (selon mes pensées) il y a beaucoup de choses qui devrait achever pendant les heures dans les montagnes dans et autour de la cabane et les jours qui maintenant passera entre des nouvelles conversations vont voler l'importance et la significance d'elles à cause du manque de la proximité temporelle qu'on y trouve, là

Conversations inachevées (unfinished) ...
J'ai parlé à M.K. et elle voulait me poser une question, mais elle reste sans être posée. Et j'aurais voulu parler plus avec elle mais c'était deux jours courts.

J'ai parlé avec A.G. au sujet des livres de Guerres aux Étoiles et je voulait lui demander de son livre préféré. Je voudrais aussi parler avec lui de plus de choses, peut-être des choses sérieuses. Je regrette ne pas parler jusqu'à une heure plus tard mais j'étais si fatigué ...

J'ai parlé avec B.M.T. au sujet de mes relations et mes erreurs qui concernent K.K.T. mais je lui ai peu parlé d'elle-même.

J'ai parlé avec m'amour mais je souhaite que j'étais conscient d'elle tout au long de samedi en lui demandant "comment ça va" ou "est-ce que tu as besoin de quelque chose?" mais je ne l'étais pas jusqu'à ce que j'ai appris que je ne l'étais pas après la conversation utile avec B.M.T.

Conversations qui n'ont jamais été commencées (never begun) ...
Je n'ai pas parlé beaucoup avec J.L., J.M.L., P.DeV., M.G., W.O., B.J., T.T., M.G., & D.McC. mais j'ai voulu le faire.

Et je n'ai pas pensé à la plupart des autres personnes, et ça me condamne plus que ne pas parler avec des gens qui j'aime bien ...

Qu'est-ce que tu pense?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

La conduite des portes

Je pousse la porte
et puis elle ouvre.
Tu tires l'autre porte
et puis elle ferme.
On marche à travers les portes
en les ouvrant et les fermant.

Elles sont des portails dans
les terres étrangères;
Pour quelqu'un une entrée
dans les lieux de la magie,
Et pour un autre une sortie
dehors les terres traversées.