J'ai beaucoup de choses auxquelles je puisse penser, mais je n'y ai pas encore pensé. C'est pourquoi j'écris ce blog, pour penser à ces choses en écrivant les pensées liées.
Mon amie a beaucoup de problèmes, et elle a besoin de s'abandonner au Dieu vivant afin qu'elle et son mari vivront en la grâce de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Sa belle-mère n'est pas en bonne santé. Elle a perdu son mari à un cancer il y a des mois et elle est dépressive. Elle a essayé plusieurs fois de se tuer et son fils s'inquiète d'elle et sa fille s'inquiète de sa vie spirituelle puisque on pense que Dieu ne pardonnera pas quelqu'un s'il s'est suicidé. Je prie à mon Dieu qu'elle et son mari seraient sauvés parce que ils en ont besoin - ils ont besoin de Dieu, de Jésus. La belle-mère aussi a besoin de la grâce de Dieu et de sa bienveillance. Elle a besoin de Lui pour vivre éternellement ici et maintenant.
J'ai parlé avec ma mère et je lui ai dit que mon frère serait encore fumeur de joint et que ses amis les sont avec lui. Peut-être pendant les vacances de Noël, il essaiera de fumer la marijuana. Je m'inquiète de ces choses et j'en ai eu assez de cacher la vérité de mes parents. J'avait décidé de parler avec ma mère plutôt que mon père parce que je m'intéresse de la manière par laquelle on le confronter au sujet de la fumer.
Aujourd'hui j'ai rendu visite aux Blaustones pour aider Zach avec les maths mais il n'a pas eu besoin de mon aide et il compter rencontrer son ami et passer du temps avec lui. Natalie m'a invité de l'accompagner à Healdsburg ... since she was going to get something for Justin and Morgan for Christmas and Graduation respectively, and I was just sitting around. I went along, and it was a good thing I did! Her windshield wipers were not working (usually only one works anyway), so we had quite an adventure just trying to get through downtown after getting the card for Morgan (the present for Justin would have to wait till tomorrow). To our horror, it was getting dark, and it was beginning to rain. Every chance we got (almost every stop sign or stop light, and several other side of the road stops) we would stop the car, shift into parking, run out and work together to manual use the wipers, then rush back into the car hoping that our effort was not wasted by an extended red light or multiple cars coming our way when we were parked to the side. We made it into Windsor, but then the rain began coming more viciously and the windshield was a blur. We parked at First Baptist Church after poorly making it through a traffic light. I traded spots with her to see if I could do better at seeing ANYTHING, which I wasn't really. But, I was more determined than she was to just drive without stopping and hope that no one ran out in front of us and that we could safely make it by looking at the faded white line and the yellow reflectors in the middle of the road to keep us from foolishly crashing into someone else. We made it to her house, and then she called Justin and got directions on what to do to try and repair it. We were able to repair the driver's side wiper so she was able to go to her apartment as I prayed for her safety while walking home in the cold, wet, beautiful night. We had been so absorbed in Bella's life that it was humorous and almost refreshing to have our own adventures, for once not living an exciting life merely vicariously...
Pray for my friend, her husband, and her mother-in-law; for my brothers, his friends, and my parents; for Natalie and her car. So many things to consider during such an important time of year; God sent His Son, proving His deep care for our lives and our problems and demonstrating His desire to know us more intimately and empathetically and to be the solution to our dilemmas, not necessarily in solving them but in being in relationship with us, in being our security and our purpose for living and loving - a much deeper kind of solution.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
"I Love You"
These words astonished me upon their utterance and caused me to realize something so deep and wonderful that has been given to us - to the human race - by God.
She was a bride today and newly married to the man who solely possesses her heart. And yet, I believe that her love is being made more and more complete and overflowing through this time of committing herself uniquely to this young man and expressing unique love towards him to the honor of God, our eternal Maker.
As true love grows and blossoms, the capacity to love deepens, and so the romantic love fulfilled through a Christ-centered and Christ-filled relationship ripens all other forms of love so that it truly is easier to love others and express it to them.
Natalie said, "I love you," and I felt the love emanating from her, and I remembered that through my relationship with Kimberly, all other relationships (once I remembered that there were other people besides her) became further extensions of my love - love that began in the romantic relationship that God blessed.
A bride glows with the beauty of her love for her bridegroom, her family, and her friends, and I so look forward to the day when my bride can share her love in that amazing way with our united family and our friends.
She was a bride today and newly married to the man who solely possesses her heart. And yet, I believe that her love is being made more and more complete and overflowing through this time of committing herself uniquely to this young man and expressing unique love towards him to the honor of God, our eternal Maker.
As true love grows and blossoms, the capacity to love deepens, and so the romantic love fulfilled through a Christ-centered and Christ-filled relationship ripens all other forms of love so that it truly is easier to love others and express it to them.
Natalie said, "I love you," and I felt the love emanating from her, and I remembered that through my relationship with Kimberly, all other relationships (once I remembered that there were other people besides her) became further extensions of my love - love that began in the romantic relationship that God blessed.
A bride glows with the beauty of her love for her bridegroom, her family, and her friends, and I so look forward to the day when my bride can share her love in that amazing way with our united family and our friends.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Psalm 38: A petition & Psalm 39
O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand has come down upon me ... My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear ... I am like a deaf man, who cannot hear, like a mute, who cannot open his mouth [this because of my own foolishness, my own poor choices]; I have become like a man who does not hear, whose mouth can offer no reply.
I will wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God. For I said, "Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips." For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever with me [because I do not let go of what continues to strike me - my owned flawed character]. I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin [and truly I am because it haunts me and it causes hurt to those about whom I claim care and for whom I claim love] ... O LORD, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior.
I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence." But when I was silent and still, not even saying anything good, my anguish increased. My heart grew hot within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:
"Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. SELAH
"Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Save me from all my transgressions; do not make me the scorn of fools. I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done this. Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand. You rebuke and discipline men for their sin; you consume their wealth like a moth-- each man is but a breath. SELAH
"Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help; be not deaf to my weeping. For I dwell with you as an alien, a stranger, as all my fathers were. Look away from me, that I may rejoice again before I depart and am no more."
These words ring true in my heart as I have wronged my dearest friend, and though some verses do not and others ring true in a sense other than that of David's, I value these deep words of amazing expression that so well reflect my own feelings. These two Psalms powerfully address the state of my heart, sinful and remorseful, desiring grace yet recognizing the righteous judgment of the present, praying that it changes me.
I will wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God. For I said, "Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips." For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever with me [because I do not let go of what continues to strike me - my owned flawed character]. I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin [and truly I am because it haunts me and it causes hurt to those about whom I claim care and for whom I claim love] ... O LORD, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior.
I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence." But when I was silent and still, not even saying anything good, my anguish increased. My heart grew hot within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:
"Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. SELAH
"Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Save me from all my transgressions; do not make me the scorn of fools. I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done this. Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand. You rebuke and discipline men for their sin; you consume their wealth like a moth-- each man is but a breath. SELAH
"Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help; be not deaf to my weeping. For I dwell with you as an alien, a stranger, as all my fathers were. Look away from me, that I may rejoice again before I depart and am no more."
These words ring true in my heart as I have wronged my dearest friend, and though some verses do not and others ring true in a sense other than that of David's, I value these deep words of amazing expression that so well reflect my own feelings. These two Psalms powerfully address the state of my heart, sinful and remorseful, desiring grace yet recognizing the righteous judgment of the present, praying that it changes me.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Voyage à San Francisco
After working for about 5 hours telling money (that is, counting it for the purpose of receiving or cashing it out) in the Larkfield shopping center, I climbed into my car, warmed up the engine, and departed the parking lot with my four maps - maps that would guide me to my Love and her friend in San Francisco. I drove to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, and purchased my one-way ticket to San Francisco's Old Ferry Station/Building.
After waiting for some time, they let us enter the waiting area for the ferry; then after waiting for a longer duration, passing the time by reading Augustine's On Christian Doctrine, we were permitted to board the ferry, in which I resumed my reading for the majority of the journey across the bay.
Once in San Fran, I traversed the market place within the Ferry Building and then consulted my map for the proper direction. I crossed the crosswalks and walked for quite some time, admiring the many tall buildings and interesting sites. I thoroughly enjoyed each moment, finally arriving at the SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) with the twinge of deepening hunger in my stomach. I decided to keep these feelings at bay since I may see Kimberly and Jonathan at any moment.
I crossed the street to find a nice place to sit by a tiered structure with pools of water and to read another book - The Doors of Perception by Huxley. There I waited quite a long time until they arrived walking down the sidewalk, smiling and ready for their next adventure. Not having planned to go into the MOMA, yet confronted with some sort of obligation and desire of going inside, I was able to join them in the museum thanks to Kimi. The museum had some wonderful pieces in it with amazing beauty, and even many in which I desired to discover their beauty. So, despite our pressing need to rush through this four- or five-storied building filled with art, I could not help but pause for intense concentration and contemplation standing before many of the pieces.
Afterwards, as Kimi wrote, we enjoyed an amazing Thai dinner with appetizers, desserts, and very tasty main dishes. If only I was rich, then I could go there again and again, trying the many exquisite dishes of Thai cuisine.
The final leg of our journey was the ride home, which consisted of all three of us going to Larkspur so that I could retrieve my car, then our splitting up for the last hour of travel. Such a marvelous afternoon and evening with friends.
After waiting for some time, they let us enter the waiting area for the ferry; then after waiting for a longer duration, passing the time by reading Augustine's On Christian Doctrine, we were permitted to board the ferry, in which I resumed my reading for the majority of the journey across the bay.
Once in San Fran, I traversed the market place within the Ferry Building and then consulted my map for the proper direction. I crossed the crosswalks and walked for quite some time, admiring the many tall buildings and interesting sites. I thoroughly enjoyed each moment, finally arriving at the SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) with the twinge of deepening hunger in my stomach. I decided to keep these feelings at bay since I may see Kimberly and Jonathan at any moment.
I crossed the street to find a nice place to sit by a tiered structure with pools of water and to read another book - The Doors of Perception by Huxley. There I waited quite a long time until they arrived walking down the sidewalk, smiling and ready for their next adventure. Not having planned to go into the MOMA, yet confronted with some sort of obligation and desire of going inside, I was able to join them in the museum thanks to Kimi. The museum had some wonderful pieces in it with amazing beauty, and even many in which I desired to discover their beauty. So, despite our pressing need to rush through this four- or five-storied building filled with art, I could not help but pause for intense concentration and contemplation standing before many of the pieces.
Afterwards, as Kimi wrote, we enjoyed an amazing Thai dinner with appetizers, desserts, and very tasty main dishes. If only I was rich, then I could go there again and again, trying the many exquisite dishes of Thai cuisine.
The final leg of our journey was the ride home, which consisted of all three of us going to Larkspur so that I could retrieve my car, then our splitting up for the last hour of travel. Such a marvelous afternoon and evening with friends.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Dieu nous bénit abondamment
J’allai chez Blaustone pour parler avec le fils aîné. J’y avais apporté avec moi trois feuilles de papier qui contenait une histoire – l’histoire d’un autre monde dans lequel on ne voit pas du tout et où habite un être mystérieux. J’avais entendu que ce fils qui s’appelle Nathan était descendu en pente de son ancienne foi en Christ comme un de mes frères. Je voulait en parler avec lui depuis quelques semaines et ce soir j’ai agi sur ce désir.
Je lui donnai mon histoire de l’Aileauvent et après qu’il avait fait la vaisselle il la lut. Après ça on s’en entretint avec des questions, des pensées, et des reactions. Il l’aima et en parla du bien. Il fit l’éloge de l’histoire de l’Aileauvent particulièrement puisqu’il connaît la veritable histoire et qu’il aima bien cette expression d’elle. J’étais si heureux mais …
En reconnaissant son besoin de foi, je demandai s’il crut en cette histoire qu’il connaît si bien. Il me parla au sujet de son incroyance et j’étais triste. On parla de son voyage en Angleterre et l’effet sur sa foi.
On se discuta de ces choses et puis il me demanda si j’eus d’autres questions et je me tus pour quelques secondes. Then I believe that the Spirit of God led my thoughts to consider this idea of stagnant faith in living a very plateaued Christian life followed by a raging fire of faith and action that resulted in disbelief. The Paraclete showed me (though I knew not at the time) that Nathan ought to consider using the schooling that he would be doing at the SRJC to nurse people in third-world countries alongside missionaries. Using his own interests and gifts, I believe that Nathan could live out his faith (though he lacks it now) by serving the sick and the poor around the world whether full-time or in a rotating schedule shifting between nursing in the states and nursing in the missionary field.
It was then that Nathan’s eyes shown and his face brightened into a beautiful smile because the Lord had confirmed in his life what he had already been considering for around half a year or more. Through dreams, Nathan realized his joy to be found in serving the invalids and infirmed, but through my words he may have seen God’s leading or at least His involvement and His presence in Nathan’s life.
Praise God for the wonders He accomplishes in ordinary sinners. May He save His people—humanity—and accomplish great things while we are serving Him uniquely on this orbis terrarum.
J’allai chez Blaustone pour parler avec le fils aîné. J’y avais apporté avec moi trois feuilles de papier qui contenait une histoire – l’histoire d’un autre monde dans lequel on ne voit pas du tout et où habite un être mystérieux. J’avais entendu que ce fils qui s’appelle Nathan était descendu en pente de son ancienne foi en Christ comme un de mes frères. Je voulait en parler avec lui depuis quelques semaines et ce soir j’ai agi sur ce désir.
Je lui donnai mon histoire de l’Aileauvent et après qu’il avait fait la vaisselle il la lut. Après ça on s’en entretint avec des questions, des pensées, et des reactions. Il l’aima et en parla du bien. Il fit l’éloge de l’histoire de l’Aileauvent particulièrement puisqu’il connaît la veritable histoire et qu’il aima bien cette expression d’elle. J’étais si heureux mais …
En reconnaissant son besoin de foi, je demandai s’il crut en cette histoire qu’il connaît si bien. Il me parla au sujet de son incroyance et j’étais triste. On parla de son voyage en Angleterre et l’effet sur sa foi.
On se discuta de ces choses et puis il me demanda si j’eus d’autres questions et je me tus pour quelques secondes. Then I believe that the Spirit of God led my thoughts to consider this idea of stagnant faith in living a very plateaued Christian life followed by a raging fire of faith and action that resulted in disbelief. The Paraclete showed me (though I knew not at the time) that Nathan ought to consider using the schooling that he would be doing at the SRJC to nurse people in third-world countries alongside missionaries. Using his own interests and gifts, I believe that Nathan could live out his faith (though he lacks it now) by serving the sick and the poor around the world whether full-time or in a rotating schedule shifting between nursing in the states and nursing in the missionary field.
It was then that Nathan’s eyes shown and his face brightened into a beautiful smile because the Lord had confirmed in his life what he had already been considering for around half a year or more. Through dreams, Nathan realized his joy to be found in serving the invalids and infirmed, but through my words he may have seen God’s leading or at least His involvement and His presence in Nathan’s life.
Praise God for the wonders He accomplishes in ordinary sinners. May He save His people—humanity—and accomplish great things while we are serving Him uniquely on this orbis terrarum.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Une Visite de SSU (sans les images)
Je veux depuis quelques jours faire à ma petite amie
visiter le lieu de mes études d'éducation, et donc voici la visite:
Quand je suis au campus, je vais fréquemment à la bibliothèque.
Et afin d'y aller, on marche par une grande cour
qui se trouve entre deux bâtiments scolaires formidables.
Ces bâtiments scolaires ont reçu leurs noms
en souvenir de Charles Darwin et d'Adlai Stevenson.
En se retournant on voit un autre bâtiment scolaire
où était deux de mes classes d'éducation.
Il s'appelle Salazar en souvenir d'une journaliste - Ruben Salazar.
Et en se retournant encore et continuant tout droit
par la cour on arrive enfin à la bibliothèque
qui en souvenir de Jean et Charles Schulz
s'appelle Le Schulz Centre d'Informations.
C'est dans cette bibliothèque que j'étudie beaucoup
et que je passe beaucoup de temps.
C'est une belle université, n'est-ce pas?
J'attends ce jour-là où je pourrai marcher
avec ma belle Kimi ici.
Je déteste ce blog parce qu'il ne me permet pas
de mettre aisément les images.
Donc si vous voulez les voir, envoyez-moi un email.
visiter le lieu de mes études d'éducation, et donc voici la visite:
Quand je suis au campus, je vais fréquemment à la bibliothèque.
Et afin d'y aller, on marche par une grande cour
qui se trouve entre deux bâtiments scolaires formidables.
Ces bâtiments scolaires ont reçu leurs noms
en souvenir de Charles Darwin et d'Adlai Stevenson.
En se retournant on voit un autre bâtiment scolaire
où était deux de mes classes d'éducation.
Il s'appelle Salazar en souvenir d'une journaliste - Ruben Salazar.
Et en se retournant encore et continuant tout droit
par la cour on arrive enfin à la bibliothèque
qui en souvenir de Jean et Charles Schulz
s'appelle Le Schulz Centre d'Informations.
C'est dans cette bibliothèque que j'étudie beaucoup
et que je passe beaucoup de temps.
C'est une belle université, n'est-ce pas?
J'attends ce jour-là où je pourrai marcher
avec ma belle Kimi ici.
Je déteste ce blog parce qu'il ne me permet pas
de mettre aisément les images.
Donc si vous voulez les voir, envoyez-moi un email.
Une femme de notre Seigneur
Ma grand-mère qui s'appelait Winnie Booth:
Hier était le quatre-vingt-septième
anniversaire de sa naissance.
Ça veut-dire qu'elle aurait vécu
quatre-vingt-sept années sur la Terre
Si elle n'était pas allée il y a environ un mois
pour être avec notre Seigneur.
Elle est très bienheureuse maintenant
Et un jour au futur on la verra
dans la gloire de Christ-Jésus.
Mais aujourd'hui je voudrais me souvenir d'elle
Parce que sa vie était précieuse
à toutes les personnes qui l'a connue.
Elle était chère, sympathique, et sage
Et elle me manquera jusqu'à ma mort ou au Retour de Jésus.
Hier était le quatre-vingt-septième
anniversaire de sa naissance.
Ça veut-dire qu'elle aurait vécu
quatre-vingt-sept années sur la Terre
Si elle n'était pas allée il y a environ un mois
pour être avec notre Seigneur.
Elle est très bienheureuse maintenant
Et un jour au futur on la verra
dans la gloire de Christ-Jésus.
Mais aujourd'hui je voudrais me souvenir d'elle
Parce que sa vie était précieuse
à toutes les personnes qui l'a connue.
Elle était chère, sympathique, et sage
Et elle me manquera jusqu'à ma mort ou au Retour de Jésus.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Day of Fortune
J'ai rendu visite à mon ancien professeur il y a cinq jours.
Il m'avait enseigné le calcul et la physique
Quand j'étais de grade supérieur au lycée,
Et me voilà dans sa classe de la physique une fois encore.
Par extraordinaire j'y suis venu le même jour
Qu'un photographe y était venu pour prendre des photos.
Et donc j'étais saisi par sa photo et j'étais mis
Dans le journal "Press Democrat" alors que tout le monde
Me verrait avec ce prof extraordinaire et ses étudiants.
J'étais heureux d'être avec Maestro Ramirez et ses étudiants
Parce que j'aime y aller et passer du temps avec eux,
En découvrant et redécouvrant beaucoup de choses de la physique.
J'étais heureux aussi d'y être avec Maestro Ramirez
Le jour où il était reconnu pour tout qu'il a fait
Pour tous les étudiants pendant sa carrière entière
D'enseigner au lycée et à l'université.
Il m'avait enseigné le calcul et la physique
Quand j'étais de grade supérieur au lycée,
Et me voilà dans sa classe de la physique une fois encore.
Par extraordinaire j'y suis venu le même jour
Qu'un photographe y était venu pour prendre des photos.
Et donc j'étais saisi par sa photo et j'étais mis
Dans le journal "Press Democrat" alors que tout le monde
Me verrait avec ce prof extraordinaire et ses étudiants.
J'étais heureux d'être avec Maestro Ramirez et ses étudiants
Parce que j'aime y aller et passer du temps avec eux,
En découvrant et redécouvrant beaucoup de choses de la physique.
J'étais heureux aussi d'y être avec Maestro Ramirez
Le jour où il était reconnu pour tout qu'il a fait
Pour tous les étudiants pendant sa carrière entière
D'enseigner au lycée et à l'université.
Nous voilà, dans la classe de la connaissance!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
La pluie: Un reflet des émotions
On sortait en marchant main à main vers sa voiture;
Et pendant qu'on y venait, la pluie tombait.
Le temps réfléchissait les émotions qu'on se sentait.
À cause de la pluie, elle est entrée dans la voiture,
Et la porte restait entrouverte pendant que
J'étais assis à côté du bord de son siège.
Je restais à sa côté et la pluie tombait sur moi,
Mais je voulais seulement passer plus du temps avec elle -
Pour la plus grande quantité posssible de minutes.
Comme elle a commencé à partir, je restait debout
Jusqu'à ce qu'elle a tourné sur "Old Redwood Highway" et disparu.
À ce moment, la pluie s'est arrêtée de tomber sur moi ...
Comme si elle est venue seulement pour le moment crucial
Et comme si elle est partie avec m'amie en laissant la tristesse.
Et pendant qu'on y venait, la pluie tombait.
Le temps réfléchissait les émotions qu'on se sentait.
À cause de la pluie, elle est entrée dans la voiture,
Et la porte restait entrouverte pendant que
J'étais assis à côté du bord de son siège.
Je restais à sa côté et la pluie tombait sur moi,
Mais je voulais seulement passer plus du temps avec elle -
Pour la plus grande quantité posssible de minutes.
Comme elle a commencé à partir, je restait debout
Jusqu'à ce qu'elle a tourné sur "Old Redwood Highway" et disparu.
À ce moment, la pluie s'est arrêtée de tomber sur moi ...
Comme si elle est venue seulement pour le moment crucial
Et comme si elle est partie avec m'amie en laissant la tristesse.
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