Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Voyage à San Francisco

After working for about 5 hours telling money (that is, counting it for the purpose of receiving or cashing it out) in the Larkfield shopping center, I climbed into my car, warmed up the engine, and departed the parking lot with my four maps - maps that would guide me to my Love and her friend in San Francisco. I drove to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, and purchased my one-way ticket to San Francisco's Old Ferry Station/Building.

After waiting for some time, they let us enter the waiting area for the ferry; then after waiting for a longer duration, passing the time by reading Augustine's On Christian Doctrine, we were permitted to board the ferry, in which I resumed my reading for the majority of the journey across the bay.

Once in San Fran, I traversed the market place within the Ferry Building and then consulted my map for the proper direction. I crossed the crosswalks and walked for quite some time, admiring the many tall buildings and interesting sites. I thoroughly enjoyed each moment, finally arriving at the SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) with the twinge of deepening hunger in my stomach. I decided to keep these feelings at bay since I may see Kimberly and Jonathan at any moment.

I crossed the street to find a nice place to sit by a tiered structure with pools of water and to read another book - The Doors of Perception by Huxley. There I waited quite a long time until they arrived walking down the sidewalk, smiling and ready for their next adventure. Not having planned to go into the MOMA, yet confronted with some sort of obligation and desire of going inside, I was able to join them in the museum thanks to Kimi. The museum had some wonderful pieces in it with amazing beauty, and even many in which I desired to discover their beauty. So, despite our pressing need to rush through this four- or five-storied building filled with art, I could not help but pause for intense concentration and contemplation standing before many of the pieces.

Afterwards, as Kimi wrote, we enjoyed an amazing Thai dinner with appetizers, desserts, and very tasty main dishes. If only I was rich, then I could go there again and again, trying the many exquisite dishes of Thai cuisine.

The final leg of our journey was the ride home, which consisted of all three of us going to Larkspur so that I could retrieve my car, then our splitting up for the last hour of travel. Such a marvelous afternoon and evening with friends.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dieu nous bénit abondamment

J’allai chez Blaustone pour parler avec le fils aîné. J’y avais apporté avec moi trois feuilles de papier qui contenait une histoire – l’histoire d’un autre monde dans lequel on ne voit pas du tout et où habite un être mystérieux. J’avais entendu que ce fils qui s’appelle Nathan était descendu en pente de son ancienne foi en Christ comme un de mes frères. Je voulait en parler avec lui depuis quelques semaines et ce soir j’ai agi sur ce désir.
Je lui donnai mon histoire de l’Aileauvent et après qu’il avait fait la vaisselle il la lut. Après ça on s’en entretint avec des questions, des pensées, et des reactions. Il l’aima et en parla du bien. Il fit l’éloge de l’histoire de l’Aileauvent particulièrement puisqu’il connaît la veritable histoire et qu’il aima bien cette expression d’elle. J’étais si heureux mais …

En reconnaissant son besoin de foi, je demandai s’il crut en cette histoire qu’il connaît si bien. Il me parla au sujet de son incroyance et j’étais triste. On parla de son voyage en Angleterre et l’effet sur sa foi.

On se discuta de ces choses et puis il me demanda si j’eus d’autres questions et je me tus pour quelques secondes. Then I believe that the Spirit of God led my thoughts to consider this idea of stagnant faith in living a very plateaued Christian life followed by a raging fire of faith and action that resulted in disbelief. The Paraclete showed me (though I knew not at the time) that Nathan ought to consider using the schooling that he would be doing at the SRJC to nurse people in third-world countries alongside missionaries. Using his own interests and gifts, I believe that Nathan could live out his faith (though he lacks it now) by serving the sick and the poor around the world whether full-time or in a rotating schedule shifting between nursing in the states and nursing in the missionary field.
It was then that Nathan’s eyes shown and his face brightened into a beautiful smile because the Lord had confirmed in his life what he had already been considering for around half a year or more. Through dreams, Nathan realized his joy to be found in serving the invalids and infirmed, but through my words he may have seen God’s leading or at least His involvement and His presence in Nathan’s life.

Praise God for the wonders He accomplishes in ordinary sinners. May He save His people—humanity—and accomplish great things while we are serving Him uniquely on this orbis terrarum.